Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Belated Fifth Blogoversary to Me

I seem to have missed my fifth blog-o-versary on Aug. 2 while prepping and packing for the NHC Institute. Well, it stands to reason--the last 12 months have been, shall we say, interesting, in a no-news-would-have-been-better-news sort of way, so I can't honestly say that I've had much to celebrate. On December 11, 2008, I broke both wrists. Almost six months later to the day, on June 12 (our 32nd anniversary), my mother passed away. All told, not the best 12 months I've ever had. The only joke I can make is that at least my mother waited until my wrists had healed well enough to enable me to hold a ("pocket-sized") siddur/prayer book, or I'd be having a hard time saying Kaddish for her.

On the plus side, I turned 60, and our son just earned his Master's in Physics! (Hot sauce!) So there's been some good news, too. Photo of our son in Manhattan to follow--he's in town for a (too-rare) visit. (Yay!) There are no graduation-ceremony photos, though, 'cause there was no ceremony--we have to wait until he gets the PhD, apparently.

The Jewish blogosphere has changed considerably since I joined the party in August 2004. Many of my favorite bloggers are no longer blogging, or have cut back their blogging considerably, some for personal reasons, some for lack of time, some because they've graduated college and are probably concentrating on real life. There are, admittedly, probably too many dormant blogs on my blogroll, just because I don't have the heart to delete them and/or cherish the delusion that the bloggers will change their minds. But more bloggers have entered the scene. This is fortunate, because I'd rather read other people's blogs than follow people on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace . . .

I do find it interesting that so many of the blogs on my blogroll are written by Orthodox men. I'd love to know where all the non-Orthodox bloggers and the women are "hiding."

While I'm trying to figure that out, I'd like to offer a salute to my fellow and sister bloggers. Who knows? Since Ms. Tech-Challenged, here, is always a few years behind, I may be the last person still blogging when the Twitterers turn off the lights. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009 update: See photo of the holder of a newly-earned MS in Physics here.


Blogger Eliyahu said...

I do find it interesting that so many of the blogs on my blogroll are written by Orthodox men. I'd love to know where all the non-Orthodox bloggers and the women are "hiding." (hmmm...maybe she enjoys the company of orthodox men...)

congratulations...and for something completely different...check this out..

Sat Aug 15, 09:44:00 PM 2009  

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